Building client-side apps with React

Learn how to create client-side apps using React and TypeScript

React makes dealing with the DOM in JavaScript more like writing HTML. It helps package up elements into "components" so you can divide your UI up into reusable pieces. You can try out the examples online by creating a new React playground.

Quick summary

A lot of React concepts are explained in detail below. If you just want to get started quickly here's a code sample with the most important features:

import React, { useState } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";

function Counter() {
  // Calling the `setCount` with a new value re-runs your component
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
  return <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>{count}</button>;

// Any properties passed to the component are available on the `props` object
function Title(props: { id: string; children: React.ReactNode }) {
  return <h1 id={}>{props.children}</h1>;

function App() {
  return (
      <Title id="main-title">Hello world</Title>
      <Counter />

// React handles all DOM element creation/updates—you just call `render` once
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.querySelector("#root")!);
    <App />

React elements

Interacting with the DOM can be awkward when you just want to render an element:

const title = document.createElement("h1");
title.className = "title";
title.textContent = "Hello world!";

This is frustrating because there is a simpler, more declarative way to describe elements—HTML:

<h1 class="title">Hello world!</h1>

Unfortunately we can't use HTML inside JavaScript files. HTML is a static markup language—it can't create elements dynamically as a user interacts with our app. This is where React comes in:

const title = <h1 className="title">Hello world!</h1>;

This variable is a React element. It's created using a special syntax called JSX that lets us write HTML-like elements within our JavaScript.

The example above will be transformed into a JS function call that returns an object:

const title = _jsx("h1", { className: "title", children: "Hello world!" });
 *  Over-simplified for examples sake:
      type: "h1",
      props: {
        className: "title",
        children: "Hello world!",

Templating dynamic values

JSX supports inserting dynamic values into your elements. It uses a similar syntax to JS template literals: anything inside curly brackets will be evaluated as a JS expression:

const title = <h1>Hello {5 * 5}</h1>;
// <h1>Hello 25</h1>

You can do all kinds of JS stuff inside the curly brackets, like referencing other variables, or conditional expressions.

const name = "oli";
const title = <h1>Hello {name}</h1>;
// <h1>Hello oli</h1>
const number = Math.random();
const result = <div>{number > 0.5 ? "You won!" : "You lost"}</div>;
// 50% of the time: <div>You won!</div>
// the other 50%: <div>You lost</div>

Note on expressions

You can put any valid JS expression inside the curly brackets. An expression is code that resolves to a value. I.e. you can assign it to a variable. These are all valid expressions:

const number = 5 + 4 * 9;
const isEven = number % 2 === 0;
const message = isEven ? "It is even" : "It is odd";

This is not a valid expression:

const message = if (isEven) { "It is even" } else { "It is odd" };
// this is not valid JS and will cause an error

if blocks are statements, not expressions. The main impact of this is that you have to use ternaries instead of if statements inside JSX.

React components

React elements aren't very useful on their own, since they're just static objects. To build an interface we need something reusable and dynamic, like functions.

A React component is a function that returns a React element.

function Title() {
  return <h1 className="title">Hello world!</h1>;

Valid elements

Your components don't have to return JSX. A React element can be JSX, or a string, number, boolean, or array of elements. Returning null, undefined, false or "" will cause your component to render nothing.

Returning an array is especially useful for rendering lists from data:

const fruits = ["apple", "orange", "banana"];

function FruitList() {
  const items = => <li key={fruit}>{fruit}</li>);
  return <ul>{items}</ul>;

Array items in JSX must have a special unique key prop so React can keep track of the order if the data changes.

Composing components

Components are useful because JSX allows us to compose them together just like HTML elements. We can use our Title component as JSX within another component:

function Title() {
  return <h1 className="title">Hello world!</h1>;

function Page() {
  return (
    <div className="page">
      <Title />

When we use a component in JSX (<Title />) React will find the corresponding Title function, call it, and use whatever element it returns.

Customising components

A component where everything is hard-coded isn't very useful. Functions are most useful when they take arguments. Passing different arguments lets us change what the function returns each time we call it.

JSX supports passing arguments to your components. It does this using the same syntax as HTML:

<Title name="oli" />
 * The above JSX is transformed into this:
 * _jsx(Title, { name: "oli" });

Most people name this object "props" in their component function:

function Title(props) {
  console.log(props); // { name: "oli" }
  return <h1 className="title">Hello world</h1>;

We can use these props within your components to customise them. For example we can insert them into our JSX:

function Title(props) {
  return <h1 className="title">Hello {}</h1>;

Now we can re-use our Title component to render different DOM elements:

function Page() {
  return (
    <div className="page">
      <Title name="oli" />
      <Title name="sam" />
 * <div class="page">
 *  <h1 class="title">Hello oli</h1>
 *  <h1 class="title">Hello sam</h1>
 * </div>

Typing our props

We need to define the type of the props object so TypeScript can check we're using the component correctly. We can do this in the same way we would type any object:

function Title(props: { name: string }) {
  return <h1 className="title">Hello {}</h1>;

If you have several props it can be more readable to extract the type to an alias:

type TitleProps = { name: string };

function Title(props: TitleProps) {
  return <h1 className="title">Hello {}</h1>;

The React docs have a page on using TypeScript with React, which can be helpful.

Non-string props

Since JSX is JavaScript it supports passing any valid JS expression to your components, not just strings. To pass JS values as props you use curly brackets, just like interpolating expressions inside tags.

function Page() {
  const fullname = "oliver" + " phillips";
  return (
    <div className="page">
      <Title name={fullname} />
      <Title name={String(5 * 5)} />
 * <div class="page">
 *  <h1 class="title">Hello oliver phillips</h1>
 *  <h1 class="title">Hello 25</h1>
 * </div>


It would be nice if we could nest our components just like HTML. Right now this won't work, since we hard-coded the text inside our <h1>:

<Title>Hello oli</Title>
 * The above JSX is transformed into this:
 * _jsx(Title, { children: "hello oli" });

JSX supports a special prop to achieve this: children. Whatever value you put between JSX tags will be passed to the component function as a prop named children.

You can then access and use it exactly like any other prop.

function Title(props) {
  return <h1 className="title">{props.children}</h1>;

Now this JSX will work as we expect:

<Title>Hello oli</Title>
// <h1 class="title">Hello oli</h1>

This is quite powerful, as you can now nest your components to build up more complex DOM elements.

// pretend we have defined Image and BigText components above
  <Image src="hand-wave.svg" />
  <BigText>Hello oli</BigText>

Typing the children prop

Since the children of an element can be almost anything React has built-in type for it: React.ReactNode.

type TitleProps = { children: React.ReactNode };
function Title(props) {
  return <h1 className="title">{props.children}</h1>;

Rendering to the page

You may be wondering how we get these components to actually show up on the page. React manages the DOM for you, so you don't need to use document.createElement/.appendChild.

React consists of two libraries—the main React library and a specific ReactDOM library for rendering to the DOM. We can use ReactDOM to render a component to the DOM.

It's common practice to have a single top-level App component that contains all the rest of the UI.

import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";

function App() {
  return (
      <Title>Hello world!</Title>
      <p>Welcome to my page</p>

const div = document.querySelector("#root")!; // The `!` tells TS it's definitely not null
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(div);
root.render(<App />);

Event listeners

JSX makes adding event listeners simple—you add them inline on the element you want to target. They are always formatted as "on" followed by the camelCased event name (onClick, onKeyDown etc):

function Alerter() {
  return <button onClick={() => alert("hello!")}>Say hello</button>;

React state

An app can't do much with static DOM elements—we need a way to create values that can change and trigger updates to the UI.

React provides a special "hook" function called useState to create a stateful value. When you update the value React will automatically re-render the component to ensure the UI stays up-to-date.

When this button is clicked we want the count to go up one:

function Counter() {
  const count = 0;
  return <button onClick={() => {}}>{count}</button>;

We need to use the useState hook. It takes the initial state value as an argument, and returns an array. This array contains the state value itself, and a function that lets you update the state value.

import { useState } from "react";

function Counter() {
  const stateArray = useState(0);
  const count = stateArray[0];
  const setCount = stateArray[1];
  return <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>{count}</button>;

It's common to use destructuring to shorten this:

import { useState } from "react";

function Counter(props) {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
  return <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>{count}</button>;

If we call setCount(1) React will re-run our Counter component, but this time the count variable will be 1 instead of 0. This is how React keeps your UI in sync with the state.

Lifting state up

React components encapsulate their state—it lives inside that function and can't be accessed elsewhere. Sometimes however you need several components to read the same value. In these cases you should "lift the state up" to a shared parent component:

function Counter() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
  return (
      <FancyButton count={count} setCount={setCount} />

function FancyButton(props) {
  function increment() {
    props.setCount(props.count + 1);
  return (
    <button className="fancy-button" value={props.count} onClick={increment}>
      + 1

function FancyText(props) {
  return <p className="fancy-text">{props.children}</p>;

Here FancyButton and FancyText both need access to the state, so we move it up to Counter and pass it down via props. That way both components can read/update the same state value.

Typing state

TS can mostly infer state types from the initial value you provide. In the Counter example above it will infer count to be of type number, since the initial value is 0. We can explicitly provide a type by passing a generic to useState:

const [count, setCount] = useState<number>(0);

That's not useful here, but can be necessary if for example you wish to constrain the type:

type Status = "loading" | "complete" | "error";
const [status, setStatus] = useState<Status>("loading");

We need to define a type for the state setter function when we pass it down to another component as a prop (like the FancyButton example above). Since updating state does some React magic behind the scenes we can't just write a normal function type: we must use React's built-in types:

type FancyButtonProps = {
  count: number;
  setCount: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<number>>;
function FancyButton(props: FancyButtonProps) {
  function increment() {
    props.setCount(props.count + 1);
  return (
    <button className="fancy-button" value={props.count} onClick={increment}>
      + 1

The React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<number>> is a little wild because of the triple-nested generic, but the only part you ever need to change is the final generic (<number> here). This should be the type of the actual state value.

Updates based on previous state

Sometimes your update depends on the previous state value. For example updating the count inside an interval. In these cases you can pass a function to the state updater. React will call this function with the previous state, and whatever you return will be set as the new state.

// ...
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
// ...
setInterval(() => {
  setCount((previousCount) => {
    const nextCount = previousCount + 1;
    return nextCount;
}, 1000);
// or more concisely:
// setInterval(() => setCount(c => c + 1), 1000);

We cannot just reference count, since this is 0 when the interval is created. It would just do 0 + 1 over and over (so the count would be stuck at 1).

Form fields

React apps still use the DOM, so forms work the same way:

function ChooseName() {
  const [name, setName] = useState("");

  function updateName(event) {

  return (
    <form onSubmit={updateName}>
      <input name="username" aria-label="Username" />
      <button>Update name</button>
      <output>Your name is: {username}</output>

Typing DOM events

TS can infer the type of the event parameter in inline handlers. For example:

<button onClick={(event) => console.log(event)}>Click</button>

Here event will be inferred as React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>.

When you define event handlers as separate function (like the updateName example above) you will need to manually provide this type. React defines types for most DOM events—you just need to pass in the type of DOM element it will be triggered for. For example:

function updateName(event: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) {

Often the easiest way to find the type is to write the handler inline first, then copy the type that is inferred.

Controlled components

React tries to normalise the different form fields, so behaviour is consistent across e.g. <input> and <select>. If you need to keep track of values as they update you can add an onChange listener and value prop.

function ChooseRating() {
  const [rating, setRating] = useState(3);

  function updateRating(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) {

  return (

This pattern is often known as "controlled components".

Side effects

So far we've seen how React keeps your UI in sync with your data. Your components describe the UI using JSX and React updates the DOM as required. However apps sometimes need to sync with something else, like fetching from an API or setting up a timer.

These are known as "side effects", and they can't be represented with JSX. This means we need a different way to ensure our side effects stay in sync just like our UI.

Using effects

React provides another "hook" like useState() for running side-effects after your component renders. It's called useEffect(). It takes a function as an argument, which will be run after every render by default.

Here's our counter, with an effect to sync the document title with the count:

function Counter() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  useEffect(() => {
    document.title = `Count: ${count}`;

  return <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>{count}</button>;

Calling setCount will trigger a re-render, which will cause the Effect to re-run, so the title will stay in sync with our state.

Skipping effects

By default all the Effects in a component will re-run after every render of that component. This ensures the Effect always has the correct state values. However what if we had multiple state values? Updating unrelated state would re-run the Effect even if count hadn't changed.

useEffect() takes a second argument: an array of dependencies for the Effect. Any variable used inside your Effect function should go into this array:

useEffect(() => {
  document.title = `Count: ${count}`;
}, [count]);

Now the Effect will only re-run if the value of count has changed.

Effects with no dependencies

Sometimes your Effect will not be dependent on any props or state. In this case you can pass an empty array, to signify that the Effect has no dependencies and shouldn't need to be re-run.

Here we want to show what key the user pressed, so we need an event listener on the window. This listener only needs to be added once:

function KeyDisplay(props) {
  const [key, setKey] = useState("");

  useEffect(() => {
    function updateKey(event: KeyboardEvent) {
    window.addEventListener("keydown", updateKey);
  }, []);

  return <div>{key}</div>;

Without the empty dependency array we would end up adding a new event listener every time the Effect re-ran. This could cause performance problems.

Cleaning up effects

It's important your Effects can clean up after themselves. Otherwise they might leave their side-effects around when the component is "unmounted" (e.g. if the user navigates to another page).

Our previous example needs to make sure the event listener is removed from the window. We can tell React to do this by returning a function from the Effect. React will call this function whenever it needs to clean up: both when the component is unmounted and before re-running the Effect.

// ...
useEffect(() => {
  function updateKey(event: KeyboardEvent) {
  window.addEventListener("keydown", updateKey);
  return () => window.removeEventListener("keydown", updateKey);
}, []);
// ...

React helps you remember to do this by running Effects twice during development (even if you pass an empty dependency array). This is designed to help you catch places where you forgot to clean up your Effect.

Last updated