Understand the importance of code organisation, modularity, and reusability in C# and .NET (K7, S1, S11)
Solidify C# skills, including object-oriented programming principles and .NET-specific features (K7, S1, S11, S12)
Understand the differences between development, staging, and production environments in the context of .NET applications (K1, K3, K8)
Understand the concept of infrastructure as code, particularly with tools like AWS CDK (K1, K5, K7)
Configure the necessary environment variables and settings for deploying a .NET API (S10, S14)
Have a good working understanding of the permissions involved when deploying on AWS, including security groups and IAM roles (K8, B5)
Understand the process of building and optimising a .NET application for production (S10, S14, B3)
Gain experience in using a continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipeline with tools like GitHub Actions (S10, S14, B3)
Last updated 8 months ago