Learning circles

Set up

  • Groups of 4. Typically, lasting 90 minutes, with four 20-minute rounds;

  • Start with a check-in and end with a check-out;

  • Inexperienced groups should have a facilitator present.


  • Proposer: presents a problem;

  • Respondents: the rest of the group.


  • The proposer shares their screen and presents a problem which is then discussed by the group;

  • In turns and for no more than 5 minutes each, each respondent leads the discussion by asking questions of the proposer and the rest of the group with a view to the whole group gaining a better undertanding of the problem;

  • If there is a facilitator present, then after each of the respondents has led the discussion, they can add their own reflections. They should also make sure the group is on schedule. If there is no facilitator present, the group can nominate a timekeeper for each round;

  • When the round comes to an end, the next group member takes on the role of presenter and the process is repeated until each member of the group has presented.


  1. To give each participant an opportunity to get the support of the group with a problem that they are working on;

  2. To give each participant practice in developing questioning strategies to aid problem solving;

  3. To give each participant practice at communicating proposed solutions;

  4. To give each participant practice at thinking reflectively about their learning processes;

  5. To ensure that each participant gets an equal opportunity to develop their problem-solving skills;

  6. To develop the capacity of all participants to run a strucutured study group without a facilitator present.


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