Write code that executes asynchronously
Use callbacks to access values that aren't available synchronously
Use promises to access values that aren't available synchronously
Use the fetch method to make HTTP requests and receive responses
Configure the options argument of the fetch method to make GET and POST requests
Use the map array method to create a new array containing new values
Use the filter array method to create a new array with certain values removed
Set up a Node.js environment for web development
Use environment variables for managing secrets and sensitive keys in Node.js
Use npm to manage project dependencies and scripts in a Node.js environment.
Understand server-side development using Node.js.
Modularise code by creating reusable modules in Node.js, improving code organization and maintainability.
Integrate external APIs into a web application.
Learn to make server-side requests to APIs and handle responses effectively.
Understand the principles of client-server interaction and how to manage data exchange between them.
Check that passing a given input into our tests returns the expected output
Write tests to mimic the behaviour of a user performing different actions
Design functions for common testing patterns, like checking for matches, equality or inequality
Organise tests using descriptive names and groupings to clarify their purpose and outcomes
Implement custom messages in test assertions to provide specific feedback for pass/fail outcomes
Write modular, single-responsibility functions that are easy to test in isolation
Last updated 5 months ago