The presentations for Tech for Better are a little different from the other ones you've delivered during the programme. We'll host a showcase of projects on the last day of term. We invite alumni, and other friends and family along to watch the presentations.
You will present for a maximum of 15 minutes, alongside your Product Owner.
Your audience won't all be technical experts, and you'll want to include the right level of detail for everyone. Talk about some of the challenges of building the product, and try to keep these high-level.
You may get some questions from the audience, who'd like to learn more about what you've been working on. If there's a question you'd like to be asked, you can ask another member of your cohort to ask it 😉
Introduce yourselves and your Product Owner to the audience. Include your project role in your introduction.
It can be a nice touch to take turns introducing another member of the team; and paying them a compliment on their work.
Detail what problem the Product Owner wanted to solve. You might like to ask your Product Owner to talk through this slide, and include a Problem Statement.
Talk about how you planned and designed the Product with your PO. Include screenshots of your design process.
Give details on the stack you chose, and why you chose each technology.
Talk through the main features of the product, and show the user journey. We encourage you to pre-record a demo, and include a video in your slide deck. This can help to avoid any unexpected issues on the day, and can help keep the demo well-timed.
Talk about some of the challenges you faced during the build. This might be related specifically to your role, and you might like to follow this structure:
What the challenge was
How you solved it
The benefit of solving that challenge
Let the audience know about your big achievements in this build. What did you do that you were proud of?
What did you learn during the project? Give your PO time to talk about what they learnt throughout the programme too.
Give your Product Owner time to talk about the direction of the product and where they'll take it next. They might be looking for further funding or development, or testing the MVP with their user group.
Share the speaking time evenly throughout your team. Each person, including the Product Owner, should aim to speak for 2 - 2.5 minutes.
The structure here is an outline, and you can adapt it to make the presentation your own.
We recommend using Canva for your slide deck ✨