This is a guide to what you should be doing for homework each week. Please reach out to your CFs if you are unsure of what to prioritise between sessions.
Complete the Git, CSS, Semantic HTML, Accessibility and HTML forms workshops ahead of Week 1
Complete the Asynchronous JS, Promises & fetch, Real-world fetch and Promise practice workshops ahead of Week 2
Complete your user manual
Complete your Week01 progress log
Complete github profiles
Project work
Create a presentation on HackMD
Your challenge is to build an agency website for your team.
Your website should give potential clients:
An introduction to your agency
Information about each member of your team
A way to get in touch if they are interested in working with you
A user story is a description of one or more features of a piece of software.
As a potential client, I want to:
See information about each member of your team so that I can know who you are
Browse your website on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices
Click to navigate to different sections of your webpage
Contact you to enquire about working with you
Visit your website at a publicly accessible domain name
Additionally, as a visually impaired user, I want to:
Navigate your website using keyboard controls
Hear my screen reader describe the content on your website
Please name your repo following this template: PRO01_Name1_Name2_Name3_Name4
User stories come with acceptance criteria - a detailed scope of a user’s requirements.
Navigation menu
‘About us’ section
Contact form
A user cannot submit a form without filling out all of the mandatory fields (name, company name, email address)
Information from the form doesn’t get submitted until the user clicks a button
Use the automatic trigger functionality of your GitHub project board.
Finally, feel free to get creative with the content of your website! Good luck!
Introduce the software developer labour market landscape
Introduce the Employer Engagement function
Introduce employability curriculum
Explore multi-modal strategies for finding employment
Flex children examples An explanation of how flex-grow
, flex-shrink
and flex-basis
work for elements inside a flexbox container.
This week is focused on the fundamental building blocks of web pages—accessible, semantic HTML, and well-organised CSS.
Git workflow workshop. Repo name: Work01_Git_YourName
GitHub Projects workshop. Repo name: Work02_GitHubProjects_YourName
Asynchronous JS workshop. Repo name: Work03_Async_YourName
Promises & fetch workshop. Repo name: Work04_FetchAndPromises_YourName
Real-world fetch workshop. Repo name: Work05_Fetch_YourName
Promise practice workshop. Repo name: Work06_Promises_YourName
Pokemon promises vs async/await. Repo name: Work07_PromisesVSAsync_YourName
Safeguarding Quiz
Dev machine setup
Project planning and development (GitHub Projects)
Introduction to GitHub profiles. GitHub Profile Generator https://rahuldkjain.github.io/gh-profile-readme-generator/
Project introduction
Live code session: project code review
How should you write CSS to ensure it's easy to read, maintain and scale as a website grows?
Why are CSS naming conventions useful?
When might specificity become a problem?
How can composition help us build UIs?
How does CSS decide where to put elements on the page?
What is the box model?
How does the display
property affect layout?
How does the position
property affect layout?
How do you design and build a webpage that looks good on any device?
What CSS units should we use for dimensions? What are absolute and relative units?
When should you use a media query? Are they only for screen size?
How can mobile-first CSS make responsive styling easier?
How can we leverage Github projects to help us plan and track work?
How do you write markup so that your page is accessible to as many users as possible?
Who does semantic HTML benefit?
How does ARIA relate to HTML?
What's the difference between accessible and inclusive?