There is no project during Introduction Week. See Week 1 for the project relating to the server topic.
See week 1 for the learnings relating to the server topic.
Native JS modules
innerHTML, Template element
Components, Stateful rendering
Spike presentation prep
Spike presentation prep
Spike presentations
localStorage, token auth
Student project session
live regions, status updates
Tech for Better
Check out
CSS pseudo-elements
Role circles
Tech for Better
Check out
Check out
Team code review
Expert Feedback - Live code review
Respond to issues
Role circles
Presentation prep
Cohort SGC
Team SGC
Update user manuals
Check out
Digital Ocean's Command Line Primer is a great intro to using your terminal. It says it's for Linux but it's applicable for Macs, and Windows if you're using something like WSL or Git Bash.
Try to practice using your Terminal to navigate your computer as you're working on other tasks.
GitHub's Markdown introduction introduces using the Markdown language to quickly write simple HTML. Practice your Markdown by writing README.md
files for your GitHub repositories. Try to include some headings, lists, images, and maybe even a table.
Execute Program is an interactive code learning platform. Their JS Arrays course is a great recap of things you might have already come across, and should also have some interesting new things.
You should be able to get started with a free account—we can get you paid access later when this runs out.
How can we modularise our client-side JavaScript?
What are the different ways we can import/export code? What does "dynamic import" do?
Why might using hundreds of small modules in the browser cause performance problems?
What is the "critical rendering path" in browsers?
How does the browser render an HTML page containing links to CSS and JavaScript files?
What does "render blocking" mean?
What do the async
and defer
keywords do?
How can we avoid unnecessary network requests?
What is HTTP caching?
How can our server tell browsers to cache our responses?
How we can efficiently serve image assets?
How can we optimise image file size?
How can we render different images at different viewport sizes?
and intro
Your project this week is to build a frontend for one of the APIs from REST API week. It should be a single-page app rendered with client-side JavaScript.
If your team don't have a finished API, or don't want to use it, you can use the Dogs API from the workshops. The readme contains documentation of all the endpoints.
As a user, I want to: see all the resources
As a user, I want to: sign up for an account
As a user, I want to: log in to my account
As a user, I want to: add my own resources
As a user, I want to: update my own resources
As a user, I want to: delete my own resources
Since this project is open-ended you'll need to write your own more specific user stories once you know what you want to build.
Your challenge is to build an agency website for your team.
Your website should give potential clients:
An introduction to your agency
Information about each member of your team
A way to get in touch if they are interested in working with you
A user story is a description of one or more features of a piece of software.
As a potential client, I want to:
See information about each member of your team so that I can know who you are
Browse your website on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices
Click to navigate to different sections of your webpage
Contact you to enquire about working with you
Visit your website at a publicly accessible domain name
Additionally, as a visually impaired user, I want to:
Navigate your website using keyboard controls
Hear my screen reader describe the content on your website
Please name your repo following this template: PRO01_Name1_Name2_Name3_Name4
User stories come with acceptance criteria - a detailed scope of a user’s requirements.
Navigation menu
‘About us’ section
Contact form
A user cannot submit a form without filling out all of the mandatory fields (name, company name, email address)
Information from the form doesn’t get submitted until the user clicks a button
Use the automatic trigger functionality of your GitHub project board.
Finally, feel free to get creative with the content of your website! Good luck!
Flex children examples An explanation of how flex-grow
, flex-shrink
and flex-basis
work for elements inside a flexbox container.
This week is focused on the fundamental building blocks of web pages—accessible, semantic HTML, and well-organised CSS.
Git workflow workshop. Repo name: Work01_Git_YourName
GitHub Projects workshop. Repo name: Work02_GitHubProjects_YourName
Asynchronous JS workshop. Repo name: Work03_Async_YourName
Promises & fetch workshop. Repo name: Work04_FetchAndPromises_YourName
Real-world fetch workshop. Repo name: Work05_Fetch_YourName
Promise practice workshop. Repo name: Work06_Promises_YourName
Pokemon promises vs async/await. Repo name: Work07_PromisesVSAsync_YourName
Safeguarding Quiz
Dev machine setup
Project planning and development (GitHub Projects)
Introduction to GitHub profiles. GitHub Profile Generator https://rahuldkjain.github.io/gh-profile-readme-generator/
Project introduction
Live code session: project code review
Introduce the software developer labour market landscape
Introduce the Employer Engagement function
Introduce employability curriculum
Explore multi-modal strategies for finding employment
Introduce the importance of building an online presence and ‘learning in public’
Discuss the benefits of maintaining an up-to-date LinkedIn profile
Understand the importance of building and maintaining an up-to-date CV
Understand the the concept of an ‘elevator pitch’
Learn best practices when pitching yourself
This is a guide to what you should be doing for homework each week. Please reach out to your CFs if you are unsure of what to prioritise between sessions.
Complete LinkedIn profile
Complete the Express and Dev Tooling workshops
Learn how to manage asynchronous tasks and send HTTP requests using JavaScript.
. Repo name: Work08_Node_YourName
. Repo name: Work09_NodeAndExpress_YourName
. Repo name: Work10_IntroTesting_YourName
. Repo name: Work11_TestLibrary_YourName
. Repo name: Work12_UnitTesting_YourName
. Repo name: Work13_IntegrationTesting_YourName
. Repo name: Work14_TDD_YourName
Introduction to commonJS modules
Introduction to testing
Introduction to Express
Intro to testing, Build a testing library, Unit testing, Integration testing and TDD workshops
Elevator pitch workshop
How does JS handle asynchronous code?
What's the difference between "synchronous" and "asynchronous" code? Why might synchronous code be called "blocking"?
What are the event loop and the call stack?
How do callbacks and promises help us?
How do different testing methodologies try to improve the way we write tests?
What is Test-Driven Development (TDD)? Can it help us write better code?
What is Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)? How do we translate user requirements into automated tests?
What is test coverage? Can this tell us about the quality of our tests?
What is a web server? General background info on how servers work
npm for absolute beginners Kevin Powell's video (Just ignore Astro recomendation at the very end)
How DNS Works A comic explaining what happens when you type a URL into your browser.
HTTP Overview - MDN Describes the HTTP protocol in a lot more detail. May be useful if you like learning exactly how stuff works under-the-hood, but may also be overwhelming.
First-class Functions How functions and callbacks work in JavaScript. Based on a workshop from this week's curriculum.
Make Your Test Fail Good testing practices so you can be confident your tests are working.
The advantages of the template element A comparison of creating DOM elements manually versus using the <template>
element. Useful technique if you're dynamically rendering lots of stuff with JS.
Your project is to build the backend for a dynamic web application that combines a quiz generator with data from multiple external APIs. This backend will serve as the foundation for a future full-stack application, showcasing your skills in server-side development, API integration, and data manipulation.
TypeScript Implementation::
The entire backend project must be written in TypeScript.
Utilize TypeScript's static typing for all modules, functions, and API interfaces.
Configure the TypeScript compiler (tsconfig.json) for the project's specific needs.
Server-Side Setup:
Initialize a Node.js project using Express.
Implement a RESTful API for quiz-related operations and external API interactions.
JSON Endpoints:
Create endpoints that fetch data from at least two external APIs and return it in JSON format.
Implement endpoints for quiz-related operations (e.g., get questions, submit answers, retrieve results).
Quiz Functionality:
Develop server-side logic to:
Generate quizzes with randomly selected questions based on a chosen subject area.
Process quiz answers and calculate results, including areas of strength and weakness.
Data Management:
Use a JSON object in a separate file as a mock database to store quiz questions.
Implement CRUD operations for managing quiz questions in this mock database.
External API Integration:
Integrate at least two external APIs to enhance the quiz experience or provide additional information related to quiz topics.
Implement proper error handling for failed API requests or unavailable data.
Implement more complex quiz generation algorithms (e.g., adaptive difficulty).
Add a favourite count feature for questions and allow filtering by this criterion.
Develop more sophisticated results analysis.
Implement caching mechanisms for external API calls to improve performance.
Create comprehensive API documentation using tools like Swagger.
Set up the basic structure of your Express server.
Implement a single endpoint that interacts with one external API.
Develop the full set of RESTful endpoints for quiz operations.
Integrate multiple external APIs.
Implement the quiz generation and results calculation logic.
Open AI API - https://platform.openai.com/
JokeAPI - https://jokeapi.dev/
The Dog API - https://thedogapi.com/
The Cat API - https://thecatapi.com/
Unsplash it - https://unsplash.it/
REST Countries API - https://restcountries.com/
UK Police API - https://data.police.uk/docs/
Postcode Lookup - https://postcodes.io/
Twitter API - https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api
Google Maps API - https://developers.google.com/maps
Spotify API - https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/
Giphy API - https://developers.giphy.com/docs/api/
GitHub API - https://docs.github.com/en/rest
The Movie DB API - https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/getting-started/introduction
The Guardian API - https://open-platform.theguardian.com/documentation/
News API - https://newsapi.org/docs/endpoints
TfL API - https://api.tfl.gov.uk/
Host your code in a Git repository with clear documentation.
Deploy your project on GitHub Pages. Feel free to deploy it elsewhere as well if you prefer and have the time.
Include a comprehensive README.md file detailing:
Project setup instructions
API endpoints and their usage
External APIs used and their purpose in the project
Any stretch goals implemented
Ensure your server is deployable, even though a full deployment isn't required at this stage.
Design your API with future frontend integration in mind. The frontend part of this project will be added next week.
Implement proper error handling and validation for incoming requests and external API responses.
Securely store any API keys or sensitive information required by your server.
Document your API structure and endpoints thoroughly for future development.
By completing this project, you will demonstrate your ability to create a robust backend application that combines original functionality with external data sources, showcasing your skills in API development, integration, and server-side logic implementation.
Please name your repo following this template: PRO03_BACK_Name1_Name2_Name3_Name4
Project Setup with Libraries: As a back-end developer, I want to set up a new Node.js project in VS Code with the discord.js
and openai
libraries using require('discord.js')
and require('openai')
after installing them with npm
, so I can start building my bot with all necessary functionalities.
Secure Configuration: As a back-end developer, I want to configure my bot securely by using require('dotenv/config')
to load my API keys from a .env
file, ensuring they are not hard-coded into my project, using a .gitignore
Bot Initialisation: As a back-end developer, I want to initialise my Discord bot and log in to Discord using the new Discord.Client()
constructor and client.login
method with my Discord token, to start listening for messages.
Message Handling: As a back-end developer, I want to handle incoming messages by setting up a message event listener using client.on('messageCreate', callback)
to process messages received in Discord and respond to them with a “hello” message.
Optimisation: As a developer, I want the bot to optimise its performance by efficiently handling events, so that it does not consume excessive resources. This may involve writing efficient callback functions for client.on
and client.once
, ensuring they execute tasks quickly and without unnecessary resource consumption.
OpenAI Chat Integration and Response Generation: As a back-end developer, I want to integrate OpenAI into my bot and send chat prompts to the API to generate responses. This would involve using the openai.chat.completions.create()
method with my OpenAI API key. I aim to pass conversation history and other necessary parameters to this method to receive context-aware chat completions. This will enable the bot to generate dynamic, intelligent responses based on ongoing conversations, enhancing user interaction and experience.
Response Management: As a back-end developer, I want to manage the OpenAI response returned by openai.chat.completions.create()
using either fetch
or async/await
and sending the response back to the Discord channel.
Command Processing: As a back-end developer, I want to process commands directed at my bot by using string matching or a command prefix to distinguish between general messages and commands meant for the bot.
Error Handling: As a back-end developer, I want to implement error handling in my bot interactions using either .catch
or try...catch
within my fetch
or **** async
functions to manage exceptions and provide error messages if something goes wrong.
Messaging Users Directly:
Hint: Utilise the user.send()
method in Discord.js to send direct messages to users. Retrieve the user object through events or commands that the bot receives.
Dialogue Boxes and Interactive Responses:
Hint: Implement Discord's message components like buttons and select menus using MessageActionRow
and MessageButton
or MessageSelectMenu
classes from Discord.js. Handle interactions with client.on(Events.InteractionCreate, callback)
Creating Private Chats (Channels):
Hint: Use guild.channels.create()
to create new private channels and manage access using permission overwrites in Discord.js.
Automated Moderation Features:
Hint: Monitor messages for specific keywords or patterns using client.on(Events.MessageCreate, callback)
. Implement moderation actions like message.delete()
for removing inappropriate content and guildMember.timeout()
for muting users.
Multimedia Responses (Images, GIFs, Audio Clips):
Hint: Send multimedia content using message.channel.send()
with the files
option. For audio, explore Discord.js voice modules for handling voice channels and streaming.
The following user stories are designed to guide you as you integrate testing into your Discord chatBot project. If there are some which are not appropriate to your project, you do not have to integrate these. You can create your own tests that are relevant to your project.
As a back-end developer, I want to...
verify Discord.js integration by creating a test function that creates a new Discord client
ensure that the OpenAI library is correctly integrated by creating a test function that attempts to use the OpenAI API to create a simple chat completion or query
test that my bot securely loads API keys from the .env file, confirming that no sensitive information is hard-coded
ensure that my bot initialises and logs into Discord successfully
simulate receiving a message and verify that my bot responds with a "hello" message, testing the message event listener's functionality
simulate commands directed at my bot to check if it accurately processes these commands from general messages
introduce faults or exceptions in bot interactions to verify that my bot's error handling mechanisms effectively manage and log errors
mock the process of sending responses back to the Discord channel, verifying that my bot formats and dispatches messages correctly
ensure my bot can send direct messages to users, testing the user.send() method's functionality
test my bot's ability to send multimedia responses under specified conditions, ensuring it can handle images, GIFs, and audio clips effectively
Please name your repo following this template: PRO02_Name1_Name2_Name3_Name4
This week focuses on building a front-end application using React and TypeScript to consume the RESTful API developed in the previous week. The emphasis is on creating an intuitive user interface for the quiz application while applying React best practices and TypeScript integration.
. Repo name: Work17_Cypress
Finalize incomplete courses
React fundamentals (components, props, state)
TypeScript integration with React
React Hooks (useState, useEffect, custom hooks)
React Router for single-page application navigation
Asynchronous operations and data fetching in React
State management in React applications
Creating reusable UI components
Accessibility practices in React
Environment variable management
Software architecture and application flow
Best practices in React development
User interface design and prototyping (e.g., using Figma)
Local storage for data persistence
Custom hooks for repetitive logic
Build a front-end interface for the quiz application
Implement user stories for quiz functionality
Integrate with the backend API developed in the previous week
Focus on user experience and interface design
Apply React and TypeScript best practices
Ensure accessibility compliance
Implement proper error handling and data validation
Your project this week is to build the front end to consume the RESTful API you designed and built last week. You should think and plan what features and look you want to your quiz app to have. You might considered making some wire frames or a prototype using a tool like .
As a quizzer, I want to:
Begin a quiz session with randomly generated questions.
Filter quiz questions by subject and difficulty.
Select a chosen number of questions.
See a summary of my results after completing a quiz.
Add, edit, and delete quiz questions and answers.
Like particular questions and filter by this category.
Please name your repo following this template: PRO03_FRONT_Name1_Name2_Name3_Name4
A good start in understanding component testing
Your one stop shop for example with cypress React
More generic cheat sheet for Cypress
Official Cypress docs. You'll find some great tutorials to get start there
A short video on how to make collections and writing test in Postman
A step by step guide to deploying an express server using the AWS console and SSH
Steps to setup HTTPS connections in your Express server
The 8 Principles of Secure Development & Deployment set out by the National Cyber Security Center
This week concentrates on testing and deploying the full-stack quiz application developed over the past two weeks. The focus is on implementing comprehensive testing strategies and successfully deploying both the frontend and backend components of the application.
Finalize incomplete courses
Unit testing backend functionality with Node's built-in testing suite
API testing with Postman
End-to-end testing with Cypress for React applications
Component testing in React
Writing maintainable and readable test cases
Configuring environment variables for different deployment stages
Setting up and configuring cloud platforms (AWS EC2)
Managing CORS policies in deployed applications
Implementing Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines
Securing applications with HTTPS
Develop a comprehensive testing strategy covering unit, integration, and end-to-end tests
Implement tests using Cypress, Postman, and Node's testing library
Deploy both the backend and frontend
Configure environment variables for different deployment stages
Document the setup, deployment process, and usage instructions
Managing test data and state
Implementing reverse proxies
Configuring CORS policies
Using GitHub Actions for CI/CD
Your task this week is to deploy and test the quiz app you have completed in the previous two weeks.
Before you start you need to create a testing and deployment plan. We would like you plan a testing strategy that will have broad coverage of your project. The tools we would like you to use to achieve this can include Cypress, Postman and the Node built in testing library.
We would like you to deploy both the backend and frontend of your project. Before choosing a deployment platform, consider whether your application is static or dynamic, as this will influence your choice. Here are some options to consider:
AWS EC2 Instance
AWS Lambda (for serverless applications)
Heroku (easy deployment for various application types)
GitHub Pages
AWS S3 Bucket (suitable for static websites)
Firebase Hosting (suitable for static and dynamic sites)
Research these options and choose the ones that best fit your project's needs, considering factors like scalability, ease of use, and cost. Remember, the goal is to understand the deployment process and the considerations involved in choosing a hosting solution.
What parts of the application logic are the most critical to cover with unit tests?
How will you mock external dependencies (like databases or APIs) during unit testing?
What are the key user journeys and flows within the application that must be covered by end-to-end tests?
How will you manage test data and state for end-to-end testing?
How will encrypted communication (HTTPS) be set up, and will you use a reverse proxy?
How will you manage configuration variables for different environments (development, staging, production)?
How will CORS policies be configured between the frontend on GitHub Pages and the backend on EC2?
Your project this week is TBC
Learners will develop an end-to-end dynamic e-commerce web application where users can browse and purchase products online.
The frontend of this project will be built using React. For the backend, it will use Node.js and Express to handle server-side functionality. User accounts and product data will be stored in a SQLite database.
Your project for the next week will be to develop a Express backend connected to a SQLite database and linked to a React frontend. Your UI should provide methods so that users can search for and display information about items and add them to a shopping cart. It is up to you to determine the process and order you take to achieve this, but should plan this carefully and attempt to anticipate any hurdles you approach will encounter.
Before you start writing features you need to design the schema for your data. Think about what different things your app needs to store, how they relate to each other, and how you can avoid duplicating information. Record your schema in your README.md
using Markdown tables. Consider embedding a diagram to help visualise the relationships.
What kinds of data relationships are there?
What’s a foreign key? How can they help us design schemas with relational data?
As a shopper, I want to:
See a homepage with content when I log in
Be able to navigate between different pages of the app
View a list of products when I visit the products page
Click on a product to view more details in a new page
Search for products by name or description and view product listings with images, descriptions and reviews
Add products to a shopping cart
View and edit items in my shopping cart
Complete the checkout process to "purchase" products in my cart
See confirmation when an order is placed successfully
View previous orders and order history
Complete checkout and payments to simulate purchasing products
Please name your repo following this template: PRO04_Name1_Name2_Name3_Name4
This week focuses on enhancing the e-commerce web application developed in the previous week by adding authentication, user-specific interactions, and improving overall security. The emphasis is on implementing secure user authentication and authorization while expanding React state management techniques.
Finish previous courses
User authentication and authorization in web applications
Secure handling of user registration, login, and logout
Session management (stateless vs stateful approaches)
Security threats and mitigation strategies (e.g., CSRF attacks)
React Router for multi-page navigation
Advanced React state management using Context API and useReducer
Linking user accounts with shopping carts and order history
Database security and user data protection
Continue developing the e-commerce application with the following new features:
Implement user authentication (registration, login, logout)
Create user-specific shopping carts and order history
Implement session persistence
Secure the application against common web vulnerabilities
Enhance React state management using Context API and useReducer
Implement multi-page navigation using React Router
Implementing role-based access control (for admin functionalities)
W3Schools have lots of clear simple example for different types of SQL queries
Amazing summary of the history of databases, what they are, how they work and the different types
Summary of one of the most common ways web apps get hacked
An example of how you might structure a project using Express & SQlite
This week focuses on building a dynamic e-commerce web application, integrating React for the frontend with a Node.js/Express backend and SQLite database. The emphasis is on creating a full-stack application with database integration and state management in React.
Finalise previous courses
Database schema design and normalization
SQLite database management and querying
SQL syntax, focusing on SELECT and INSERT queries
Implementing CRUD operations in a web application
React component design and state management
Building responsive and dynamic user interfaces with React
Integrating backend APIs with React frontend
Managing relational data in web applications
Security considerations in database design and querying (e.g., SQL injection prevention)
Develop an e-commerce web application with the following features:
Design and implement a SQLite database schema for products, orders, and users
Create a React frontend that communicates with an Express backend
Implement CRUD operations for products and orders
Ensure proper state management for the shopping cart functionality
Database relationship modeling (one-to-many, many-to-many)
Using foreign keys in relational databases
Optimizing database queries for performance
Implementing search functionality in both frontend and backend
Error handling and data validation in full-stack applications
These resources are helpful extra reading that may clarify or enhance concepts you’re learning in the main curriculum.
Your project this week is continue work on the e-commerce shop you started last week and to add authentication and user specific interactions.
Before you start writing features you need to create a security plan. There should be a section in your README.md
that describes how you will secure your app and mitigate different potential attacks.
Will you store session info in a token (stateless) or in your database (stateful)?
How will you check a user’s identity (authentication)?
How will you control what actions a user can take (authorization)?
How will you mitigate Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks?
As a shopper, I want to:
Log into my account using my email and password
Have my user session persist, so I don't have to log in every time
Log out of my session
These User Stories from last week should be updated to be linked to a shoppers account
Add products to a shopping cart
View and edit items in my shopping cart
Complete the checkout process to "purchase" products in my cart
See confirmation when an order is placed successfully
View previous orders and order history
Complete checkout and payments to simulate purchasing products
As an admin, I want to:
Log into an admin section of the site
Add, edit and delete products
View and export reports on site analytics
Manage user accounts
Your task this week is to deploy and test the e-commerce app you have completed in the previous two weeks.
Before you start you need to create a testing and deployment plan. We would like you plan a testing strategy that will have broad coverage of your project. The tools we would like you to use to achieve this can include Cypress, Postman and the Node built in testing library.
We would also like you to deploy this project using an EC2 instance for you server and a S3 bucket to serve your static files.
What parts of the application logic are the most critical to cover with unit tests?
How will you mock external dependencies (like databases or APIs) during unit testing?
What are the key user journeys and flows within the application that must be covered by end-to-end tests?
Where will the code that represents your infrastructure live and how will it be organised?
How will you manage configuration variables for different environments (development, staging, production)?
What are the different AWS products you will need to configure to make your deployment successful.
This option focuses entirely on mastering C# before diving into broader .NET concepts. The goal is for you to gain a strong command of the language and become comfortable with its infrastructure. By Week 10, you'll be able to apply what you’ve learned to a hands-on project.
To start, please register on both FreeCodeCamp and Microsoft Learn. You’ll access the learning modules via FreeCodeCamp links, which will track your progress and give you the opportunity to sit for a Microsoft Certification exam upon completion.
CSharp certification - 6 modules
The next course is not part of the certification, but it is a great short example of minimal API.
Create web apps and services with ASP.NET Core, minimal API, and .NET - 1hr 35min
In this route, you'll combine learning C# with workshops focused on infrastructure essentials. This approach balances language fundamentals with practical infrastructure skills to give you a well-rounded foundation.
You can complete the first three C# lessons independently or through FreeCodeCamp. If you choose the FreeCodeCamp route, you’ll have the option to continue with the remaining lessons later and eventually take the Microsoft Certification exam.
Option 2.1
Write your first code using C# (Get started with C#, Part 1)
Create and run simple C# console applications (Get started with C#, Part 2)
Add logic to C# console applications (Get started with C#, Part 3)
Option 2.2
CSharp certification - 3 first modules on FreeCodeCamp
Build .NET applications with C# - 3hr 14min
Create a web API with ASP.NET Core controllers - 41min
Develop an ASP.NET Core web app that consumes an API - 2hr 18min
Create web apps and services with ASP.NET Core, minimal API, and .NET - 1hr 35min
Install XAMPP: https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html
VSCode PHP Extension: PHP Intelephense
Main Resource: Laracasts - PHP for Beginners 2023
Episodes 1-7
Variables and Basic PHP Syntax
PHP Configuration
Arrays and Functions
Page Links
Reference: W3Schools PHP
Practice Project: Build a Temperature Converter Tutorial: https://www.w3schools.com/php/php_form_complete.asp
Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa
Form handling
Basic calculations
Simple styling
Main Resource: Laracasts Episodes 8-14
Database Connections
PDO Basics
SQL Injection Prevention
Basic Forms
Reference: PHP PDO Documentation
Practice Project: Build a Contact List Tutorial: https://www.tutorialrepublic.com/php-tutorial/php-mysql-crud-application.php
Store names and phone numbers
View all contacts
Simple database operations
Basic error handling
Main Resource: Laracasts Episodes 15-20
Form Validation
Reference: PHP Session Documentation
Practice Project: User Authentication System Tutorial: https://www.tutorialrepublic.com/php-tutorial/php-mysql-login-system.php
Login form
User registration
Password hashing
Session management
Main Resource: Laracasts Episodes 21-25
Router Implementation
API Basics
Reference: PHP Best Practices
Practice Project: Simple Note Taking App Tutorial: https://www.sourcecodester.com/php/15434/simple-notes-app-using-php-and-mysql-source-code.html
CRUD operations
User-specific notes
Basic organization
Simple API endpoint
Build a complete task management system combining all concepts learned.
Tutorial Guide: https://codeshack.io/crud-application-php-pdo-mysql/
Project Requirements:
User System
Password hashing
Session handling
Task Features
Add/Edit/Delete tasks
Mark as complete
Due dates
Priority levels
Users table
Tasks table
Basic relationships
2 hours: Watch Laracasts
1 hour: Code along with episodes
2 hours: Work on daily project
Check Laracasts comments
PHP Manual: https://www.php.net/manual/en/
Stack Overflow
PHP Discord: https://discord.gg/php
Laravel Framework: https://laravel.com/docs/
More complex projects
PHP Security practices
These resources are helpful extra reading that may clarify or enhance concepts you're learning in the main curriculum.
Official counterpart to the Node docs. Useful for getting realistic examples of features when the docs are overwhelming and confusing.
Popular (if slightly outdated) overview of what Node is and how it works.
General background info on how servers work
This is a guide to what you should be doing for homework each week. Please reach out to your CFs if you are unsure of what to prioritise between sessions.
Complete the Git, CSS, Semantic HTML, Accessibility and HTML forms workshops ahead of Week 1
Complete the Asynchronous JS, Promises & fetch, Real-world fetch and Promise practice workshops ahead of Week 2
Complete your user manual
Complete your Week01 progress log
Complete github profiles
Project work
Create a presentation on HackMD
layout: schedule schedule: monday: # - name: Build # start: 10:00 # end: 13:00 # type: project # - name: Thought of the Week # url: https://www.notion.so/foundersandcoders/Personal-Development-91fe75c7e2cc4f989954108729a2c834 # type: personal-development # start: 14:00 # end: 14:45 # - name: Build # start: 14:45 # end: 17:45 # type: project # - name: Check out # start: 17:45 # end: 18:00 tuesday: # - name: Build # start: 10:00 # end: 12:45 # type: project # - name: Role circles # start: 12:45 # end: 13:00 # url: https://foundersandcoders.notion.site/Role-circles-a2371aab24f34955a69904b87ffc1f05 # - name: Build # start: 14:00 # end: 16:00 # type: project # - name: Update READMEs # start: 16:00 # end: 16:15 # - name: Team code review # start: 16:15 # end: 17:45 # url: https://foundersandcoders.notion.site/Code-Reviews-5c3b987ed1204e46b4c738da538a758c wednesday: # - name: Web Science # start: 10:00 # end: 11:00 # type: presentation # - name: Build # start: 11:00 # end: 13:00 # type: project # - name: Build # start: 14:00 # end: 17:45 # type: project - name: Thought of the week. Healthy Working Relationships and Conflict Resolution type: thought url: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1phpxhz6laAZcph84D04u02QaBEeKJ_U_1VLqDNV3hjo/edit#slide=id.g25ece6437ef_0_0 start: 10:30 end: 10:45 thursday: # - name: Update READMEs # start: 10:00 # end: 10:15 # - name: Sprint Review # start: 10:15 # end: 11:45 # - start: 11:45 # end: 13:00 # name: Presentation prep # url: https://foundersandcoders.notion.site/In-House-Project-Presentation-e1936ce95a8041b9b8a93e5d4f638ff6 # - name: Project documentation # start: 15:30 # end: 16:00 friday:
Learners with build a library in which to sort and share information (i.e. music, photos, recipes etc...). Potential users should be able to view, favourite and upload items as well as make collections and view ones created by other users.
The frontend of this project will be built using React. For the backend, it will use ASP.NET to handle server-side functionality. User accounts and item lists will be stored in a PostgreSQL or SQLite database.
Your project for the next 3 weeks will be to develop a .NET backend connected to a database and linked to a React frontend. This week you should start by building the backend and testing it with Swagger (.NET equivalent to Postman). Tests should cover the creation users and endpoints related to user content.
Like the last project you will benefit by building a scheme for your database before you start. Hopefully with what you learned from last projects you are ready to think about how things will connect and consider what sorts of endpoints you will want. Finally, think about what you have done for stretch goals on previous projects and see if you can come up with a different sort of goal this time. For example if you've been stretching yourself by adding technical complexity try focusing on design or UX/UI instead.
What endpoints will you need for your app?
What sort of classes will you need to match your data and how will these be represented in OOP (object orientated programming)?
As a user, I want to:
Login to an individual account
See my collections of items and favourites
Search and look at other users collections
View individual items details
Save items or collections from other users
Upload and add items
Follow other users
Make sure users can only edit their own collections and items
Stop duplicate items being uploaded
Suggest collections based on favourites
Please name your repo following this template: PRO05_Name1_Name2_Name3_Name4
Project Overview: Building a Custom WordPress Site with Theme and Plugin Development
Over the next three weeks, you will develop a fully functional WordPress website from scratch. Starting with setting up your local development environment, you'll create a custom theme tailored to your design preferences, incorporating dynamic content using The Loop and interactive elements with TypeScript. You'll then plan and build a custom plugin to add significant functionality to your site, such as an event manager or testimonials feature, utilizing custom post types, taxonomies, and AJAX for dynamic updates.
In the final week, you'll focus on deploying your site to a live hosting environment, implementing security best practices, and optimizing performance. By integrating your custom plugin with your theme, you'll create a seamless user experience. This project will enhance your proficiency in WordPress development and PHP programming, providing you with valuable skills and a portfolio-worthy website.
Monday: Setting Up the Development Environment
Set up a local server environment for WordPress development.
Install and configure WordPress locally.
Understand the WordPress file and folder structure.
Download and Install WordPress Locally:
Download WordPress:
Get the latest version from the official website.
Set Up the Database:
Access phpMyAdmin
via http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
Create a new database (e.g., wordpress_db
Configure WordPress:
Extract WordPress files into the htdocs
Rename wp-config-sample.php
to wp-config.php
Edit wp-config.php
with the database details:
Run the Installation Script:
Navigate to http://localhost/wordpress/
and follow the installation prompts.
Explore WordPress File Structure:
Directories to Explore:
: Holds themes, plugins, and uploads.
: Core WordPress files.
: Backend administration files.
Understanding Core Files:
Review index.php
, wp-config.php
, and .htaccess
Review PHP Basics (If Needed):
PHP Syntax and Structure:
Variables, arrays, loops, functions.
Tuesday: Introduction to WordPress Theme Development
Understand how WordPress themes work.
Begin developing a custom theme from scratch.
Study the WordPress Template Hierarchy:
Understand the Hierarchy:
Learn how WordPress determines which template file to use.
Review the Template Hierarchy diagram.
Create a New Theme Directory:
Set Up Theme Folder:
Navigate to wp-content/themes/
Create a new folder for your theme (e.g., my-custom-theme
Develop Basic Theme Files:
Add theme information at the top:
Basic template file that WordPress uses by default.
Add a simple HTML structure:
and footer.php
Separate the header and footer sections.
Include them in index.php
using get_header()
and get_footer()
Activate the Theme:
Through WordPress Admin:
Go to Appearance > Themes
Find and activate "My Custom Theme".
Use Template Tags and The Loop:
Display Posts:
Implement The Loop in index.php
Wednesday: Advanced Theme Customization
Add features to the custom theme.
Integrate TypeScript for front-end interactivity.
Create Custom Page Templates:
Make a Custom Template:
Create page-custom.php
in your theme folder.
At the top, add:
Modify the template as needed, for example:
Implement Custom Menus:
Register Menus in functions.php
Display Menus in Templates:
Add Widget Areas (Sidebars):
Register Sidebar in functions.php
Display Sidebar in Templates:
Set Up TypeScript Build Process:
Initialize NPM in Theme Folder:
Open a terminal in your theme directory and run npm init -y
Install Dependencies:
Install Webpack and TypeScript:
Configure TypeScript:
Create tsconfig.json
Set Up Webpack Config:
Create webpack.config.js
Add Scripts to package.json
Add Interactive Elements Using TypeScript:
Create src/index.ts
Example code:
Build and Include Script:
Run npm run build
Enqueue the script in functions.php
Add an Element to Test Interaction:
In your template file (e.g., index.php
), add:
Thursday: Presentation Preparation and Delivery
Prepare and deliver a 20-minute presentation showcasing the custom theme.
Continue normal development activities.
Morning Development:
Enhance Theme Features:
Refine your theme based on previous work.
Add any additional features or styling improvements.
Debug and Test:
Ensure all features are working as expected.
Test across different browsers and devices.
Presentation Preparation (1 hour):
Summarize Work Done:
Create an outline highlighting key features and customizations.
Prepare Presentation Materials:
Create slides if necessary.
Set up a live demo environment.
Practice delivering the presentation within the time limit.
Deliver the Presentation (20 minutes):
Presentation Content:
Introduce your custom theme and its purpose.
Demonstrate key features and customizations.
Discuss challenges faced and solutions implemented.
Engage with the Audience:
Encourage questions and feedback.
Afternoon Development:
Implement Feedback:
Incorporate any useful suggestions received during the presentation.
Continue Development:
Proceed with the next planned activities.
Friday: Working with WordPress Database
Learn to interact with the WordPress database using PHP.
Understand data sanitization and security best practices.
Using $wpdb
for Database Queries:
Global $wpdb
Access the database using $wpdb
Retrieve Data:
Display Data in the Theme:
Create a custom template or modify an existing one to display the data.
Create a Custom Table:
Register Activation Hook:
Create a Form to Save Data:
Display Form Using Shortcode:
Handle Form Submission:
Display Submitted Data:
Create a shortcode or admin page to display the data from the custom table.
Understand Data Sanitization and Security:
Sanitize Inputs:
Use sanitize_text_field()
, sanitize_email()
, etc.
Prevent SQL Injection:
Always prepare queries or use helper methods.
Use Nonces:
Protect against CSRF attacks by using nonces.
Escape Outputs:
Use esc_html()
, esc_attr()
, etc., when outputting data.
.NET Path
This week focuses on deploying and testing the library management system, emphasizing comprehensive testing strategies and cloud deployment using AWS services.
Testing strategies and methodologies
AWS deployment architecture
CI/CD with GitHub Actions
Infrastructure as Code
Environment configuration management
Cloud service integration
Implementing unit tests
Creating integration tests
Setting up end-to-end testing with Cypress
Deploying to AWS EC2 and S3
Configuring CloudFront distribution
Setting up CI/CD pipelines
Writing deployment documentation
Understanding different testing approaches
Implementing comprehensive test coverage
Managing cloud infrastructure
Setting up automated deployments
Configuring AWS services
Writing technical documentation
PHP Path
This week focuses on WordPress deployment, security, and optimization, covering hosting solutions, migration processes, and performance tuning.
WordPress hosting options
Site migration and deployment
Security implementation
Performance optimization
DNS configuration
Project documentation
Selecting appropriate hosting solutions
Migrating WordPress installations
Implementing SSL certificates
Setting up security measures
Optimizing site performance
Configuring DNS settings
Creating project documentation
Understanding WordPress deployment options
Implementing security best practices
Optimizing WordPress performance
Managing DNS and domains
Creating technical documentation
Presenting project outcomes
layout: schedule schedule: monday: # - name: Build # start: 10:00 # end: 13:00 # type: project # - name: Thought of the Week # url: https://www.notion.so/foundersandcoders/Personal-Development-91fe75c7e2cc4f989954108729a2c834 # type: personal-development # start: 14:00 # end: 14:45 # - name: Build # start: 14:45 # end: 17:45 # type: project # - name: Check out # start: 17:45 # end: 18:00 tuesday: # - name: Build # start: 10:00 # end: 12:45 # type: project # - name: Role circles # start: 12:45 # end: 13:00 # url: https://foundersandcoders.notion.site/Role-circles-a2371aab24f34955a69904b87ffc1f05 # - name: Build # start: 14:00 # end: 16:00 # type: project # - name: Update READMEs # start: 16:00 # end: 16:15 # - name: Team code review # start: 16:15 # end: 17:45 # url: https://foundersandcoders.notion.site/Code-Reviews-5c3b987ed1204e46b4c738da538a758c wednesday: # - name: Web Science # start: 10:00 # end: 11:00 # type: presentation # - name: Build # start: 11:00 # end: 13:00 # type: project # - name: Build # start: 14:00 # end: 17:45 # type: project - name: Apprenticeship Training EPA type: thought url: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1phpxhz6laAZcph84D04u02QaBEeKJ_U_1VLqDNV3hjo/edit#slide=id.g25ece6437ef_0_0 start: 10:30 end: 10:45 thursday: # - name: Update READMEs # start: 10:00 # end: 10:15 # - name: Sprint Review # start: 10:15 # end: 11:45 # - start: 11:45 # end: 13:00 # name: Presentation prep # url: https://foundersandcoders.notion.site/In-House-Project-Presentation-e1936ce95a8041b9b8a93e5d4f638ff6 # - name: Project documentation # start: 15:30 # end: 16:00 friday:
How should you write CSS to ensure it's easy to read, maintain and scale as a website grows?
Why are CSS naming conventions useful?
When might specificity become a problem?
How can composition help us build UIs?
How does CSS decide where to put elements on the page?
What is the box model?
How does the display
property affect layout?
How does the position
property affect layout?
How do you design and build a webpage that looks good on any device?
What CSS units should we use for dimensions? What are absolute and relative units?
When should you use a media query? Are they only for screen size?
How can mobile-first CSS make responsive styling easier?
How can we leverage Github projects to help us plan and track work?
How do you write markup so that your page is accessible to as many users as possible?
Who does semantic HTML benefit?
How does ARIA relate to HTML?
What's the difference between accessible and inclusive?
Your task this week is to deploy and test the library app you have completed in the previous two weeks.
Before you start you need to create a testing and deployment plan. We would like you to plan a testing strategy that will have broad coverage of your project. The tools we would like you to use to achieve this can include Cypress, Postman and the Node built in testing library.
We would also like you to deploy this project using an EC2 instance for you server and a S3 bucket to serve your static files using CloudFront. You should also utilise Github actions to allow you to automatically deploy changes on merges to your main branch.
What parts of the application logic are the most critical to cover with unit tests?
How will you mock external dependencies (like databases or APIs) during unit testing?
What are the key user journeys and flows within the application that must be covered by end-to-end tests?
Where will the code that represents your infrastructure live and how will it be organised?
How will you manage configuration variables for different environments (development, staging, production)?
What are the different AWS products you will need to configure to make your deployment successful?
Monday: Exploring Deployment Options
Learn about standard WordPress hosting solutions.
Compare AWS with managed WordPress hosting providers.
Research Hosting Providers:
Managed WordPress Hosts:
Note features like WordPress-specific optimizations, staging environments, and support.
Check for one-click WordPress installs, free domain, and SSL certificate.
WP Engine:
Explore managed hosting features like advanced security, global CDN, and development environments.
Features to Consider:
Performance Optimization:
Server configurations.
Use of caching technologies.
CDN availability.
Security Features:
SSL certificates.
Malware scanning.
Firewall protection.
Customer Support:
Availability of 24/7 support.
Support channels (chat, phone, email).
Pricing Plans:
Monthly vs. annual pricing.
Introductory offers and renewal rates.
Understand Benefits of Managed Hosting:
Ease of Use:
Simplified setup processes.
Pre-configured WordPress environments.
Servers optimized specifically for WordPress.
Built-in caching and performance enhancements.
Regular security updates.
Proactive monitoring for vulnerabilities.
Compare with AWS:
AWS Flexibility:
Ability to customize server environments.
Scalability options.
Requires knowledge of server management.
Setup can be more time-consuming.
Cost Considerations:
Potentially lower costs at scale.
Pay-as-you-go pricing model.
Decide on Hosting Solution:
Factors to Consider:
Learning Objectives:
Do you want to learn server management alongside WordPress?
Budget Constraints:
What is the acceptable cost per month/year?
Time Available for Setup:
Is there time to manage servers, or is a managed solution preferable?
Make a Decision:
Choose the hosting provider that best fits your project needs.
Tuesday: Preparing for Deployment
Set up the chosen hosting environment.
Migrate the local WordPress site to the hosting server.
Set Up Hosting Environment:
Sign Up for Hosting:
Follow the sign-up process for your chosen hosting provider.
Note down important details like login credentials, server IP, and nameservers.
Set Up Domain (if applicable):
Register a Domain:
Update Nameservers:
Point your domain to your hosting provider's nameservers.
Export Local Database:
Use phpMyAdmin
Access phpMyAdmin
via http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
Select your WordPress database (e.g., wordpress_db
Click on the Export
Choose the Quick
export method and format as SQL.
Click Go
to download the database export file.
Import Database to Server:
Access Server's phpMyAdmin
Log in to your hosting account's control panel (e.g., cPanel).
Open phpMyAdmin
from the control panel.
Create a new database (e.g., yourusername_wpdb
Create a new database user and assign it to the database with all privileges.
Select the new database.
Click on the Import
Choose the SQL file exported earlier and click Go
to import.
Upload WordPress Files:
Use FTP Client (e.g., FileZilla):
Connect to the Server:
Host: Your domain or server IP.
Username: Your FTP username.
Password: Your FTP password.
Port: Usually 21.
Upload Files:
Navigate to the public_html
or www
directory on the server.
Upload all files and folders from your local WordPress directory.
Configure wp-config.php
Update Database Credentials:
Open wp-config.php
in a text editor.
Update the following lines with your server database credentials:
Update Site URLs:
Add the following lines to temporarily define site URLs:
Test the Site:
Access the Site via Browser:
Navigate to http://yourdomain.com
Check if the site loads correctly.
Troubleshoot Issues:
Common Issues:
Database connection errors.
Missing files or permissions errors.
Double-check database credentials in wp-config.php
Ensure all files are uploaded.
Check file permissions (usually folders 755, files 644).
Wednesday: Securing and Optimizing the Site
Implement security best practices.
Optimize the site's performance.
Install SSL Certificate:
Use Let's Encrypt (if supported):
Access Control Panel:
Go to your hosting control panel.
Find SSL/TLS Settings:
Locate the SSL/TLS or Let's Encrypt option.
Install SSL Certificate:
Follow the prompts to install a free SSL certificate for your domain.
Force HTTPS:
Update .htaccess
Add the following code at the top of your .htaccess
file to redirect all traffic to HTTPS:
Update WordPress Settings:
In the WordPress admin dashboard, go to Settings > General
Update WordPress Address (URL)
and Site Address (URL)
to use https://
Set Up Security Plugins:
Install Wordfence Security Plugin:
In the WordPress admin dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New
Search for "Wordfence Security".
Install and activate the plugin.
Configure Wordfence:
Follow the setup wizard.
Enable firewall and scan options.
Configure login security settings.
Implement Caching for Performance:
Install WP Super Cache Plugin:
Go to Plugins > Add New
Search for "WP Super Cache".
Install and activate the plugin.
Configure Caching Options:
Go to Settings > WP Super Cache
Enable Caching.
Choose Simple
caching method.
Advanced Settings (Optional):
Configure CDN support if using a CDN.
Enable compression.
Optimize Images and Assets:
Install Smush Image Compression Plugin:
Go to Plugins > Add New
Search for "Smush".
Install and activate the plugin.
Bulk Optimize Images:
Go to Media > Bulk Smush
Optimize existing images.
Enable Automatic Optimization:
Configure settings to automatically optimize images on upload.
Minify CSS and JavaScript with Autoptimize:
Install and activate the "Autoptimize" plugin.
Go to Settings > Autoptimize
Enable options to optimize HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.
Check Site Performance:
Use GTmetrix:
Enter your site URL and analyze.
Use Google PageSpeed Insights:
Enter your site URL and analyze.
Review Recommendations:
Identify areas for improvement.
Implement suggestions as feasible.
Thursday: Final Adjustments and Presentation
Finalize the deployment of the WordPress site.
Prepare and deliver the final 20-minute presentation.
Allocate time for presentation preparation.
Engage in normal development activities.
Morning Development:
Finalize Deployment:
Double-Check Functionality:
Test all site features, including custom theme and plugin functionalities.
Fix Any Remaining Issues:
Address any bugs or errors found during testing.
Perform Final Testing:
Cross-Browser Testing:
Test the site on multiple browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari).
Mobile Responsiveness:
Test the site on mobile devices or use browser developer tools.
Presentation Preparation (1 hour):
Summarize Project Journey:
Outline the project's objectives, progress, and outcomes.
Prepare Presentation Materials:
Create slides highlighting key features.
Include screenshots and code snippets where appropriate.
Prepare a live demo of the deployed site.
Practice the presentation to ensure it fits within the 20-minute time limit.
Deliver the Presentation (20 minutes):
Presentation Structure:
Briefly introduce yourself and the project.
Project Overview:
Discuss the project's goals and scope.
Showcase the live site.
Navigate through key features.
Highlight custom theme and plugin functionalities.
Technical Deep-Dive:
Explain complex components.
Show relevant code snippets.
Discuss challenges and how you overcame them.
Summarize accomplishments.
Mention possible future improvements.
Engage with the Audience:
Invite questions and feedback.
Afternoon Development:
Implement Feedback:
Address any immediate feedback from the presentation.
Begin Project Documentation:
Start compiling user guides and technical documentation.
Advanced PHP Concepts:
Learn Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):
Implement Classes and Objects in Your Plugin:
Refactor parts of your plugin to use classes.
Example Class Structure:
Benefits of OOP:
Encapsulation of functionality.
Easier maintenance and scalability.
Use Namespaces and Autoloading:
Organize Code Using Namespaces:
Add namespaces to your classes.
Implement PSR-4 Autoloading:
Use Composer for autoloading classes.
Install Composer:
Create composer.json
Run Composer Dump-Autoload:
Include Autoloader in Plugin:
Security Best Practices:
Deep Dive into WordPress Security:
Further Hardening WordPress:
Change default table prefixes.
Disable file editing from the admin dashboard.
Limit login attempts.
Stay Updated:
Regularly update WordPress core, themes, and plugins.
Your task this week is to continue building the project from last week but to try and add some .NET tests and more broadly to use dependency injection.
Before you start think what are your dependencies. Which of these are tightly tied to other classes in a way that will slow development or make testing hard. If you want to replace this with dependency injection think what will the interface look like.
What do you want the structure of your project to look like and how should the solution file be configured to allow that?
Where do you want to use dependency injections in my code?
How will you test the functionality of the API?
Where you are using interfaces what keys and methods will the interface need to look for?
Monday: Planning the Plugin Functionality
Define the plugin's purpose, features, and data requirements.
Design the database schema if needed.
Set up version control.
Brainstorm Plugin Ideas:
Possible Ideas:
Event Manager with custom event posts.
Testimonials plugin with submission form.
Simple CRM for managing contacts.
Outline Main Features:
User Interactions:
Front-end forms for data submission.
Admin pages for data management.
CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete).
Notifications or email integration.
Design Database Schema:
Identify Data Entities:
Determine what data needs to be stored.
Sketch Tables and Relationships:
Set Up Version Control:
Initialize Git Repository:
Run git init
in your plugin directory.
Create a Remote Repository:
Commit and Push Changes:
Stage files with git add .
, commit with git commit -m "Initial commit"
, and push to remote.
Tuesday: Developing the Plugin Backend
Start coding the core functionality of the plugin.
Create custom post types and taxonomies.
Build admin menus and settings pages.
Register Custom Post Types (CPT):
Add Code in Plugin File:
Add Custom Taxonomies:
Register Taxonomy:
Build Admin Menus and Settings Pages:
Add Menu Page:
Create Settings Page Content:
Use the WordPress Settings API:
Register Settings:
Create Settings Form:
Wednesday: Enhancing the Plugin with AJAX and APIs
Implement dynamic features using AJAX.
Integrate external APIs if applicable.
Implement AJAX in the Plugin:
Enqueue Scripts:
Create JavaScript File plugin-ajax.js
Handle AJAX Request in PHP:
Integrate External APIs (Optional):
Choose an API:
For example, fetch event data from a public API like Eventbrite.
Make API Requests:
Use wp_remote_get()
to fetch data.
Display Data on Front-End:
Process and output the data within templates or via shortcodes.
Continue Integrating TypeScript:
Use TypeScript for AJAX Calls:
Convert plugin-ajax.js
to TypeScript and place it in src/
Update Build Process:
Ensure Webpack compiles the TypeScript file into JavaScript.
Enqueue the Compiled Script:
Update the script handle and path in your plugin.
Thursday: Presentation Preparation and Delivery
Prepare and deliver a 20-minute presentation showcasing the plugin progress.
Continue normal development activities.
Morning Development:
Integrate Plugin with Theme:
Connect plugin functionalities to the custom theme.
Enhance Plugin Features:
Add new features or refine existing ones.
Debug and Test:
Ensure the plugin works seamlessly within the theme.
Presentation Preparation (1 hour):
Summarize Plugin Progress:
Outline key functionalities developed.
Prepare Presentation Materials:
Create slides or notes.
Set up a live demo.
Practice delivering the presentation within the time limit.
Deliver the Presentation (20 minutes):
Presentation Content:
Introduce your plugin and its purpose.
Demonstrate key features and integrations.
Discuss challenges faced and solutions implemented.
Engage with the Audience:
Encourage questions and feedback.
Afternoon Development:
Implement Feedback:
Incorporate any useful suggestions received during the presentation.
Continue Development:
Proceed with pending tasks.
Friday: Front-End Integration and Shortcodes
Connect the plugin with the theme.
Provide user-facing features using shortcodes and widgets.
Create Shortcodes to Display Plugin Data:
Display Events List:
Use Shortcode in a Page:
Add [events_list]
to display the list of events.
Design Front-End Templates for CPT:
Create Template Files:
for individual events.
for event archives.
Customize Templates:
Use HTML and WordPress functions to display event details.
Example for single-event.php
Ensure Responsive Design and Accessibility:
Use Responsive CSS Frameworks (Optional):
Integrate Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS.
Accessibility Best Practices:
Use semantic HTML.
Ensure proper contrast and font sizes.
Add alt
attributes to images.
Optimize Assets with TypeScript and CSS Preprocessors:
Set Up SASS (Optional):
Install node-sass
Update Build Process:
Configure Webpack to process SCSS files.
Example webpack.config.js
Organize Styles:
Create SCSS files in src/styles/
Import Styles in TypeScript:
These resources are helpful extra reading that may clarify or enhance concepts you're learning in the main curriculum.
Learn how to create a Discord chatbot using Node.js, integrate it with OpenAI's API, and implement testing for your bot.
. Repo name: Work15_DeveloperTooling_YourName Check resources
. Repo name: Work16_React_YourName
Express server using Node
RESTful API development
External API integration and management
JSON data handling and mock database operations
Server-side logic for quiz generation and processing
Error handling and validation in API development
CRUD operations implementation
API documentation techniques
Asynchronous programming in JavaScript
Introduce learners to the concept of an ‘elevator pitch’
This week focuses on testing, deployment, and optimization of the e-commerce web application developed over the past two weeks. The emphasis is on implementing comprehensive testing strategies, deploying the full-stack application to AWS, and setting up continuous integration and deployment pipelines.
Finish previous courses
Writing and organizing unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests
Mocking external dependencies in tests
Understanding and configuring different deployment environments (development, staging, production)
Infrastructure as Code concepts and implementation with AWS CDK
AWS resource provisioning and configuration (EC2, S3, security groups)
Environment variable management across different deployment stages
Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines
Optimizing applications for production deployment
AWS permissions and security best practices
Develop a comprehensive testing strategy for the e-commerce application
Implement tests using Cypress, Postman, and Node's testing library
Create a deployment plan for AWS infrastructure
Deploy the backend to an AWS EC2 instance
Host static frontend files on an AWS S3 bucket
Set up and configure necessary AWS resources (e.g., security groups, IAM roles)
Implement Infrastructure as Code using AWS CDK
Configure environment variables for different deployment stages
Document the setup, deployment process, and usage instructions
Set up a GitHub Actions CI/CD pipeline for automatic deployment on push to main
Implement staging environments in addition to development and production
Optimize application performance for production environment
Code organization and modularization for testability
Advanced TypeScript usage in testing and deployment scripts
Understanding of cloud architecture and best practices
Debugging deployment issues in cloud environments
Writing clear and comprehensive technical documentation
This week brings together all aspects of the software development lifecycle, from testing to deployment, providing a holistic view of bringing a web application to production. It emphasizes the importance of thorough testing, secure and scalable deployment practices, and the use of modern DevOps tools and techniques.
Visit .
Visit .
Visit .
If you need a new domain, register one through your hosting provider or a domain registrar like .
Install FileZilla: If not already installed, download from .
Visit .
Visit .
Download from .
Use diagrams or tools like .
Use , , or .
Please name your repo following this template: PROTFB_Project_Name
Your project in Design Week is to create a wireframe in Figma and test it with your Product Owners' user group.
Take ideas from your Definition workshop and the sketches you did there. You can consider the ideas you came up with there as low-fidelity prototypes and with Figma, you'll create a high-fidelity prototype.
Your wireframe should include the main steps of the user journey. Think about which parts of the journey you'd like to get feedback on from your users and prioritise building these.
.NET Path
This week focuses on improving code quality and testability of the library management system through dependency injection and comprehensive testing strategies.
Dependency Injection principles in .NET
Unit testing with .NET testing frameworks
Test-driven development practices
Code organization and solution architecture
Mock databases for testing
Code refactoring techniques
Implementing dependency injection
Writing comprehensive API tests
Refactoring code for better maintainability
Creating mock objects for testing
Improving project structure
Implementing verification systems
Understanding dependency injection concepts
Writing effective unit tests
Mocking dependencies for testing
Refactoring code for better testability
Implementing verification systems
PHP Path
This week focuses on advanced WordPress development, including custom plugin creation, theme integration, and implementing dynamic features using AJAX and APIs.
Custom plugin development
WordPress hooks and filters
AJAX implementation in WordPress
External API integration
Shortcode creation and usage
Front-end integration techniques
Testing and documentation
Planning plugin functionality
Creating custom post types and taxonomies
Building admin interfaces
Implementing AJAX features
Integrating with external APIs
Creating shortcodes
Writing documentation
Building custom WordPress plugins
Working with WordPress APIs
Implementing dynamic features with AJAX
Creating responsive and accessible interfaces
Testing WordPress applications
Writing technical documentation
This week focuses on building a library management system using .NET for the backend and React for the frontend. The emphasis is on creating a robust backend API with ASP.NET Core and implementing user authentication and data persistence with PostgreSQL or SQLite.
Core Topics
ASP.NET Core Web API development
Database design and implementation with PostgreSQL/SQLite
Object-Oriented Programming in C#
API endpoint creation and testing with Swagger
User authentication and authorization
Data relationships and schema design
Project Development Focus
Setting up ASP.NET Core backend
Implementing database schema for library items
Creating RESTful API endpoints
Implementing user authentication
Developing collection management features
Testing endpoints with Swagger
Learning Objectives
Building secure and scalable backend services with .NET
Implementing proper data models and relationships
Managing user authentication and authorization
Creating and testing API endpoints
Handling file uploads and storage
This week introduces WordPress development using PHP, focusing on theme and plugin development, and understanding the WordPress ecosystem.
Core Topics
Local WordPress development environment setup
WordPress theme development fundamentals
PHP basics for WordPress
Template hierarchy and customization
Plugin development introduction
Database interactions in WordPress
Project Development Focus
Setting up local development environment
Creating custom WordPress themes
Understanding WordPress file structure
Implementing template hierarchy
Working with WordPress hooks and filters
Database operations with WordPress
Learning Objectives
Understanding WordPress architecture
Creating custom themes from scratch
Working with WordPress template system
Implementing custom functionality through plugins
Managing WordPress database operations
There are no defined spikes for this week.
You may find that you need to manage spikes within your sprints. Remember to follow the techniques you followed earlier in the programme.
You're encouraged to continue role circles with those who are playing the same role as you.