This week is focused on the fundamental building blocks of web pages—accessible, semantic HTML, and well-organised CSS.
Git workflow workshop. Repo name: Work01_Git_YourName
GitHub Projects workshop. Repo name: Work02_GitHubProjects_YourName
Asynchronous JS workshop. Repo name: Work03_Async_YourName
Promises & fetch workshop. Repo name: Work04_FetchAndPromises_YourName
Real-world fetch workshop. Repo name: Work05_Fetch_YourName
Promise practice workshop. Repo name: Work06_Promises_YourName
Pokemon promises vs async/await. Repo name: Work07_PromisesVSAsync_YourName
Safeguarding Quiz
Dev machine setup
Project planning and development (GitHub Projects)
Introduction to GitHub profiles. GitHub Profile Generator
Project introduction
Live code session: project code review