Check what type a value is in your code
Convert from one type to another (e.g. object → array)
Understand roughly what methods are available for strings, arrays and objects
Use objects to keep track of values
Know how to access values from within objects
Know how to convert an object's keys to an array and iterate over them
Create and update elements on the page based on values in a JavaScript object
Use a loop to assign the same event listener to multiple elements
Use function parameters to customise their behaviour
Understand the need for refactoring
Understand the value of writing reusable functions for repetitive tasks
Separate repeated code into functions
Leave meaningful comments in your JavaScript code
Know how to use the terminal to navigate through a file system
Know how to list the contents of a directory
Know how to create a directory or file
Initialise a Git repository from the terminal
Use Git commands to stage, commit and push from the terminal