While working in project teams of four, you will each pick one of the roles below.
We have listed a set of responsibilities for each role - but do keep in mind that your main role on the project is as a developer. The project roles are areas of focus that you should ensure get done as a team
For example - If you are the UX Lead, do not feel obliged to do all the CSS/styling work. Your role is to make sure that the project as a whole is well designed and styled, and that the whole team works towards that goal.
Monitor codecov and make sure test coverage is kept up
Understand how to test pure functions, database queries, routes, DOM
Understand how and when to use mocks
Set up separate test database and destroy / build scripts
Insist on clean and legible code
Lead on setting up repo and file structure
Make sure separation of concerns is considered
Set up linting and check it works for everyone
Set up deployment, e.g. to fly.io, and take ongoing responsibility
set up environment variables for local and remote databases
Sprint planning
Prioritise issues
Break down larger issues into manageable chunks
Lead standups and Sprint Planning
Clear blockers
Lead conversations with the Product Owner
Listen to and mediate Product Owner needs
Balance needs of the Product Owner with the needs of the Product Team
Provide a daily rundown of work completed
Lead Sprint Review
Advocate for the user
Create a style guide
Ensure design heuristics are followed
Lead on user testing
Lead on project documentation
Note: The following are shared responsibilities that are not specific to the UX role. One person from the team should lead on ensuring project documentation gets done, but everyone should participate in writing it.
Ensure regular attention is given to thorough documentation
Consider all parts of the project documentation
Provide support to the team in writing documentation
Ensure completion of handover documentation for the Product Owner